For Kicks - Страница 32

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Neither Humber nor Cass liked the look of him either, though Humber seemed more annoyed than anxious, as time went on. Adams came one morning, and from across the yard in Dobbin's box I watched the three of them standing looking in at Mickey. Presently Cass went into the box for a moment or two, and came out shaking his head. Adams looked furious. He took Humber by the arm and the two of them walked across to the office in what looked like an argument. I would have given much to have overheard them. A pity I couldn't lip-read, I thought, and that I hadn't come equipped with one of those long-range listening devices. As a spy, I was really a dead loss.

On Tuesday morning at breakfast there was a letter for me, post-marked Durham, and I looked at it curiously because there were so few people who either knew where I was or would bother to write to me. I put it in my pocket until I could open it in private and I was glad I had, for to my astonishment it was from October's elder daughter.

She had written from her university address, and said briefly:

Dear Daniel Roke, I would be glad if you could call to see me for a few moments sometime this week. There is a matter I must discuss with you.

Yours sincerely, Elinor Tarren.

October, I thought, must have given her a message for me, or something he wanted me to see, or perhaps he intended to be there to meet me himself, and had not risked writing to me direct. Puzzled, I asked Cass for an afternoon off, and was refused. Only Saturday, he said, and Saturday only if I behaved myself.

I thought Saturday might be too late, or that she would have gone to Yorkshire for the weekend, but I wrote to her that I could come only on that day, and walked into Posset after the evening meal on Tuesday to post the letter.

Her reply came on Friday, brief again and to the point, with still no hint of why I was to go.

"Saturday afternoon will do very well. I will tell the porter you are coming: go to the side door of the college (this is the door used by students and their visitors) and ask to be shown to my room."

She enclosed a pencilled sketch to show me where to find the college, and that was all.

On Saturday morning I had six horses to do, because there was still no replacement for Charlie, and Jerry had gone with Pageant to the races.

Adams came as usual to talk to Humber and to supervise the loading up of his hunters, but wasted no attention or energy on me, for which I was thankful. He spent half of the twenty minutes he was in the yard looking into Mickey's box with a scowl on his handsome face.

Cass himself was not always unkind, and because he knew I particularly wanted the afternoon free he even went so far as to help me get finished before the midday meal. I thanked him, surprised, and he remarked that he knew there had been a lot extra for everyone (except himself incidentally) to do, as we were still a lad short, and that I hadn't complained about it as much as most of the others. And that, I thought, was a mistake I would not have to make too often.

I washed as well as the conditions would allow; one had to heat all washing water in a kettle on the stove and pour it into the basin on the marble washstand; and shaved more carefully than usual, looking into the six by-eight-inch flyblown bit of looking glass, jostled by the other lads who wanted to be on their way to Posset.

None of the clothes I had were fit for visiting a women's college.

With a sigh I settled for the black sweater, which had a high collar, the charcoal drainpipe trousers, and the black leather jacket. No shirt, because I had no tie. I eyed the sharp-pointed shoes, but I had not been able to overcome my loathing for them, so I scrubbed my jodhpur boots under the tap in the yard, and wore those. Everything else I was wearing needed cleaning, and I supposed I smelled of horses, though I was too used to it to notice.

I shrugged. There was nothing to be done about it. I unwrapped the motor-bike and made tracks for Durham.


Elinor's college stood in a tree-lined road along with other sturdy and learned looking buildings. It had an imposing front entrance and a less-imposing tarmacked drive entrance along to the right. I wheeled the motorcycle down there and parked it beside the long row of bicycles. Beyond the bicycles stood six or seven small cars, one of which was Elinor's little scarlet two-seater.

Two steps led up to a large oak door embellished with the single word "Students'. I went in. There was a porter's desk just inside on the right, with a mournful looking middle-aged man sitting behind it looking at a list.

"Excuse me," I said, 'could you tell me where to find Lady Elinor Tarren? "

He looked up and said.

"You visiting? You expected?"

"I think so," I said.

He asked my name, and thumbed down the list painstakingly.

"Daniel Roke to visit Miss Tarren, please show him her room. Yes, that's right. Come on, then."

He got down off his stool, came round from behind his desk, and breathing noisily began to lead me deeper into the building.

There were several twists in the corridors and I could see why it was necessary to have a guide. On every hand were doors with the occupant or purpose written up on small cards let into metal slots. After going up two nights of stairs and round a few more corners, the porter halted outside one more door just like the rest.

"Here you are," he said unemotionally.

"This is Miss Tarren's room."

He turned away and started to shuffle back to his post.

The card on the door said Miss E. C. Tarren. I knocked. Miss E. C. Tarren opened it.

"Come in," she said. No smile.

I went in. She shut the door behind me. I stood still, looking at her room. I was so accustomed to the starkness of the accommodation at Humber's that it was an odd, strange sensation to find myself again in a room with curtains, carpet, sprung chairs, cushions, and flowers.

The colours were mostly blues and greens, mixed and blending, with a bowl of daffodils and red tulips blazing against them.

There was a big desk with books and papers scattered on it; a bookshelf, a bed with a blue cover, a wardrobe, a tall built-in cupboard, and two easy chairs. It looked warm and friendly. A very good room for working in. If I had had more than a moment to stand and think about it, I knew I would be envious: this was what my father and mother's death had robbed me of, the time and liberty to study.

"Please sit down." She indicated one of the easy chairs.

"Thank you." I sat, and she sat down opposite me, but looking at the floor, not at me. She was solemn and frowning, and I rather gloomily wondered if what October wanted her to say to me meant more trouble.

"I asked you to come here," she started.

"I asked you to come here because…" She stopped and stood up abruptly, and walked round behind me and tried again.

"I asked you to come," she said to the back of my head, 'because I have to apologize to you, and I'm not finding it very easy. "

"Apologize?" I said, astonished.

"What for?"

"For my sister."

I stood up and turned towards her.

"Don't," I said vehemently. I had been too much humbled myself in the past weeks to want to see anyone else in the same position.

She shook her head.

"I'm afraid," she swallowed, "I'm afraid that my family has treated you very badly."

The silver-blonde hair shimmered like a halo against the pale sunshine which slanted sideways through the window behind her. She was wearing a scarlet jersey under a sleeveless dark green dress. The whole effect was colourful and gorgeous, but it was clearly not going to help her if I went on looking at her. I sat down again in the chair and said with some lightheartedness, as it appeared October had not after all dispatched a dressing-down, "Please don't worry about it."

"Worry," she exclaimed.

"What else can I do? I knew of course why you were dismissed, and I've said several times to Father that he ought to have had you sent to prison, and now I find none of it is true at all.

How can you say there is nothing to worry about when everyone thinks you are guilty of some dreadful crime, and you aren't? "

Her voice was full of concern. She really minded that anyone in her family should have behaved as unfairly as Patty had. She felt guilty just because she was her sister. I liked her for it: but then I already knew she was a thoroughly nice girl.

"How did you find out?" I asked.

"Patty told me last weekend. We were just gossiping together, as we often do. She had always refused to talk about you, but this time she laughed, and told me quite casually, as if it didn't matter any more.

Of course I know she's. well. used to men. She's just built that way. But this. I was so shocked. I couldn't believe her at first. "

"What exactly did she tell you?"

There was a pause behind me, then her voice went on, a little shakily.

"She said she tried to make you make love to her, but you wouldn't.

She said. she said she showed you her body, and all you did was to tell her to cover herself up. She said she was so flaming angry about that that she thought all next day about what revenge she would have on you, and on Sunday morning she worked herself up into floods of tears, and went and told Father told Father. "

"Well," I said good humouredly, 'yes, that is, I suppose, a slightly more accurate picture of what took place. " I laughed.

"It isn't funny," she protested.

"No. It's relief," She came round in front of me and sat down and looked at me.

"You did mind, then, didn't you?"

My distaste must have shown.